We are always looking for ways to improve our products and services at Stealth. To start off the 2012 year we have been working on the construction of our new clean room. Enclosed please find some photos that depict it at various stages of construction.

Stealth Computer's New Clean Room

A Sneak Peek of Stealth Computer’s New Clean Room

The new clean room is 40ft X 14ft in size and is ISO certified with a Class 7 rating. We will manufacture our various StealthVU LCD monitor products here which include; Panel Mounts, Rack Mounts, Open Frame, Marine, High Brightness and custom OEM displays and monitors that are application specific.

After the engineering drawings were approved we choose an area
of the plant to begin construction of our new clean room

Below is the barebone frame constructed from steel

We added a steel built stairs to allow easy access to the top mezzanine area that will be used for storage.

The steel deck goes on engineered for weight distribution.

After the steel deck is built flooring is installed down for the storage area

Internal shot of the clean room with custom designed work benches, non-shed vinyl walls, lighting and emergency sprinkler system. We will be adding ESD related equipment.

HEPA filters installed into the walls to meet the stringent Class 7 requirements.
The day this photo was taken the room was in the midst of being certified.

Our new clean room is complete and ready to move into. Also note the mezzanine area
is now finished and we have begun to store additional inventory.










